Monday, October 31, 2011

last call: free sponsor spots

hello everyone! i wrote about trading sponsor spots about a week ago. spots will go up TOMORROW, but if you're still interested, there's still time left. you've got until tomorrow morning. leave me a comment with your email and i'll email you with all the info ASAP.

here's what you'll get up my end if you decide to trade spots with me:

  • Time frame- the ads on my blog will run for 2 months. from Nov. 1- Dec. 31 this will be for the first round of you guys, kind of as an appreciation thing for going about this whole thing with me! 
  • you'll have the opportunity to do a guest post (if you'd like) each month that will be attached to a giveaway.
  • you'll also have the opportunity to (if you'd like) to have a product or something like it reviewed on O&C (one each month). i'll give you more details on both if you do decide you'd like to do either.
  • i will blog and tweet about your blog/shop/page frequently through out the 2 months of your sponsorship.
  • you also have the option of consignment. i go to a lot of shows through out the month and if you'd like i can take your products with me and sell them for you. if you are interested in this, i will write up a contract and forward it to you, along with all the information. i've be put up a new page on the blog, of a calendar of all the shows will be at in the coming months. 

doesn't that sounds like a good deal!? this is just kind of a start up thing. since i don't have the money to support my friends in the blogosphere, i'm not asking for any money from my sponsors. i just want to help out the other people out there with small blogs and in return all i ask is just to support my blog too! so lets make our online community an actually community! support your fellow bloggers! support the handmade movement!!



  1. Hi there, I'd love to have a swap! And I'd be able to do a guest post, but more likely in December.

    Check out my blog here:

    email: gillian.veitch AT


  2. Me me me!!! I still didn't get your email, resend, pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit


i read EVERY SINGLE comment and i try to respond as best as possible, so check back if you've had a question or would just like to chat! <3

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